The Internet of Things (IoT) has woven itself into the fabric of our lives. Whether it’s a Google Nest thermostat to turn up the temperature or an Apple Watch to monitor the performance of your morning run, we rely on technology more than ever to collect and transmit data, blurring the lines between the physical and digital worlds. There are 14 million connected IoT devices around the globe, and by 2030, there will be more than 25 billion.

In 2020, IoT devices surpassed non-IoT devices for the first time, and with more than 400 active IoT platforms, consumers and brands have more choices than ever before. But the IoT is on the cusp of a significant evolution thanks to the rise of AI, which promises a future of hyper-connectivity, enhanced intelligence, and unprecedented levels of automation.

Below, the Zudu team has put together some of the trends you need to be aware of…


Edge computing

Cloud computing has been the backbone of the traditional IoT. However, the sheer volume of data generated by IoT devices, coupled with latency concerns in cloud-based processing, means that a shift towards edge computing is coming. Edge computing brings processing power closer to the data source on devices or local gateways.

The result? Faster response times, real-time decision-making, and improved efficiency.

Moreover, we will likely see Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the edge. By embedding AI algorithms directly on devices, IoT systems will gain the ability to analyse data locally, identify patterns, and make autonomous decisions without relying solely on the cloud. This reduces reliance on centralised servers and unlocks new possibilities for intelligent automation and proactive maintenance. That’s good news for consumers and businesses.


Sensor fusion

New IoT devices will be equipped with a broader array of sensors, capturing a richer and more nuanced picture of their surroundings. Imagine an intelligent building that monitors temperature and analyses air quality, noise levels, and ambient light. This sensor fusion allows IoT systems to develop a comprehensive understanding of their environment, creating what’s known as environmental intelligence (EQ).

EQ enables IoT systems to anticipate user needs and proactively adjust settings. For instance, an EQ-powered thermostat might maintain a set temperature and consider occupancy levels and outdoor weather conditions to optimise energy consumption.

This level of environmental awareness will revolutionise how we interact with IoT systems, creating a more intuitive and adaptive user experience. A wide number of sensors are already available for IoT devices, but that number is likely to explode over the next decade.


Operational technology

Traditionally, Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) have operated in silos. IT manages data and applications, while OT controls industrial processes and physical infrastructure. Leveraging IoT technologies to integrate IT and OT systems can allow for real-time data exchange and seamless communication between the digital and physical worlds. This convergence unlocks a new level of operational efficiency and control. For example, IoT-enabled sensors in a factory feed real-time data on equipment performance to an IT system, allowing for predictive maintenance and optimisation of production processes.

Read also: How IoT & Connected Devices Are Advancing Modern Healthcare



As the number and complexity of IoT devices increase, so do the security challenges. Now more than ever, consumers care about their security online. What’s concerning to hear is that 34 of the 39 most used IoT exploits are over three years old on average, with brands taking too long to identify and patch issues. IoT systems’ vast, interconnected nature creates an expansive attack surface for malicious actors. Device security remains a priority, ensuring the security of individual devices through secure boot processes, encryption, and robust authentication protocols. Network security should also be considered, as should segmenting IoT networks and implementing access controls to limit the potential damage of a cyberattack.

Read also: Internet of Things (IoT) trends you need to know about for 2023 

Finally, strong encryption and data anonymisation techniques can protect users by securing data at rest, in transit, and in use. We can build a more robust and resilient ecosystem by prioritising security throughout the IoT development lifecycle.



Although the technological advancements of IoT are impressive, it’s crucial to remember that IoT aims to enhance human lives. Thanks to the rise of generative AI and tools like ChatGPT, we’ll see a human-centric focus on IoT in 2024 and beyond. Now more than ever, IoT systems should be designed with user privacy in mind, providing clear and transparent data collection practices and robust user control over personal information. IoT devices and systems should be user-friendly and interoperable, allowing users to integrate them easily into their existing workflows without becoming overwhelmed by complexity. This is helped by the recent introduction of Matter, which allows for far better cross-platform compatibility.

Finally, as IoT becomes more deeply embedded in our lives, ethical considerations around data ownership, bias in algorithms, and responsible use of automation will become increasingly important and should be something businesses in IoT should consider.


If you’re looking for help integrating IoT into your website or app, Zudu has you covered. 

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