In the ever-changing world of mobile app development, personalisation has grown from a nice-to-have feature to an indispensable element due to the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI). 

Thanks to new technologies and APIs, developers can offer end-users deeply personalised experiences, resulting in heightened engagement and prolonged interaction with top apps.

And the results speak for themselves. According to new data, 89% of marketers report that app personalisation increases revenue, and 88% of marketers say they’re investing in personalisation to improve their user experience.

80% of consumers say they are willing to share personal data in exchange for deals or offers, and 63% of smartphone users say they’re more likely to purchase from companies whose mobile apps offer them relevant recommendations on products they may be interested in.

In short, personalisation cannot be overlooked if you want to increase engagement and boost your app’s revenues. 

Below, we’ve put together some AI-driven personalisation techniques for your app… 


Predictive Analytics

AI is utilised to anticipate user preferences and behaviours by analysing past interactions. Predictive analytics has gained massive support from many companies, with the global market projected to reach $28.1 billion by 2026. This capability allows apps to proactively suggest content, products, or services that align with individual user preferences, creating a more engaging and relevant experience and ultimately increasing the bottom line.


Adaptive Interfaces

By adjusting interfaces based on user interaction patterns, apps offer a more intuitive and personalised experience. For example, a social media app might adapt its menu to highlight features like groups or shopping based on user activity, enhancing convenience and engagement.

One example is how TikTok often plays around with its bottom bar to boost purchases during sale periods like Black Friday and Cyber Monday – your app could do something similar to capitalise on events or expected user behaviour, driving more sales. 


Customised Content Delivery

Leveraging algorithms similar to those used by platforms like Twitter (X), customised content delivery tailors content to the interests and interactions of the user, significantly boosting engagement and time spent within the app.

If you run a museum app and know that a particular user loves live entertainment, then it makes sense to showcase your upcoming event calendar above the rest of your material. Play around and see what works best.


Smart Notifications

“Notifications at the wrong time are worse than useless. Irrelevant pings not only get ignored, but the noise they create dilutes focus, causes frustration and a false sense of urgency,” says Intercom. Intelligent scheduling of notifications ensures higher engagement rates while reducing the annoyance of excessive notifications. This approach respects the complex lives and online personas of modern consumers and ensures that the right messages are seen. 


User Experience

Personalisation through AI engenders a sense of recognition and connection, thereby increasing app loyalty and usage. These tailored experiences meet user needs more efficiently, enhancing overall satisfaction. Additionally, personalisation can make calls to action more effective by aligning them closely with user interests.



Despite its numerous benefits, AI-driven personalisation also presents challenges. 

Ensuring responsible data handling and maintaining user trust with clear data policies and robust security measures are paramount. Balancing personalisation levels to avoid being perceived as intrusive is critical.

Moreover, the success of AI personalisation hinges on the quality and quantity of data available. Outdated or inaccurate data can significantly diminish the effectiveness of personalisation strategies. Keeping pace with the rapid evolution of AI technologies is essential for maintaining a competitive edge in personalisation.


Future Trends

Integrating emerging technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) is poised to take personalised user experiences to new heights.

In 2024, Apple will roll out its Vision Pro headset and other brands are expected to follow suit – we can only imagine the potential impact this could have on user interfaces in the years ahead. 

AI in app personalisation is not merely a trend; it marks a fundamental shift in how user interactions are conceptualised and executed.


Wrapping Up

Integrating AI into app personalisation is transforming how brands interact with their audiences. By embracing these technologies, developers and businesses can stay ahead of the curve and ensure that their apps deliver unparalleled user experiences. 

If you’re looking for support with app development and personalisation, reach out to Zudu today.

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