Back in 1961, IBM introduced the first-ever speech recognition system. It was capable of recognising digits spoken by a single voice. By the 1990s, the first commercially available voice-activated personal assistants were born, with products like Dragon Dictate making their way into the boardroom. In 2010, the world was revolutionised again with the launch of Siri, Apple’s AI-powered personal assistant. At the time, Siri seemed futuristic and unlocked new possibilities for businesses and consumers. Fourteen years later, voice assistants are part of our everyday lives, from “Hey Google” in the kitchen to smart car assistants.

Now more than ever, user experience (UX) reigns supreme. Keeping your customers happy and managing their expectations requires constant innovation and development, whether you’re building The Next Big Thing or a tiny app for your team. People want applications and websites to be intuitive and efficient and to anticipate their needs, and that’s where custom AI assistants can come in. Powerful assistants and chatbots can transform how users interact with your platform, boosting engagement, satisfaction, and your bottom line.

Below, the Zudu team has compiled just some reasons why you should integrate an AI assistant into your app or website, outlining the benefits for users, the ways AI assistants enhance user experience and some practical considerations for implementation…


The benefits of AI assistants

Wave goodbye to clunky menus and labyrinth-like navigation. AI assistants allow for conversational interfaces that feel natural. Users can interact with your platform and content in a human-like way and get answers to their questions quickly. A fashion brand, for example, might add a custom chatbot so users can find the right products. Simply ask your AI assistant, “What are the best deals on running shoes in Size 4?” you’ll be shown the latest offers rather than having to sift through endless product categories and filters.

AI assistants allow users to get what they need quickly and easily, minimising frustration and wasted time. Voice-enabled assistants can also be a boon for users with disabilities or those who prefer hands-free interaction. They can learn user preferences and behaviour over time, offering tailored recommendations and streamlining the user journey. TikTok is only so good at keeping your attention because it’s learned what you want to watch over the years.

Incorporate an assistant into your app, and your users will be more likely to stay on your platform and explore its features when interacting with a helpful and informative AI assistant. A smooth and frictionless user experience can also lead to higher conversion rates, whether a purchase, a sign-up, or a desired user action. Finally, remember that happy users are loyal users. AI assistants can provide 24/7 support, answer frequently asked questions, and resolve issues, leading to a more satisfied customer base and less customer frustration.


AI assistant use cases

The benefits of AI assistants depend significantly on the type of app or website you’re building. In eCommerce, for example, they can recommend products, answer questions about availability and pricing, and even help with the checkout process. InsightAceAnalytics projects that AI-enabled eCommerce will be worth US$ 16.8 billion by 2030. Recent data shows widespread adoption of AI chatbots among retail businesses with approximately 80% having already embraced AI chatbots or planning to incorporate them.

For customer support apps or apps with a customer support tab, virtual assistants can handle basic inquiries, troubleshoot common problems, and escalate complex issues to human agents, freeing up valuable resources. In the training world, AI assistants can act as personalised tutors, providing explanations, answering questions, and offering feedback based on user progress. For complex platforms like CMS, AI assistants can guide users through workflows, suggest relevant content blocks, and automate repetitive tasks.

With a well-designed AI assistant, you can create a user-centric experience that caters to your audience’s specific needs—even if every user has unique requirements.


What to consider when adding an AI assistant

Integrating an AI assistant can be as simple as installing a plugin or adopting an API. Still, careful planning and execution are required to ensure your assistant works how you want it to. First, you must understand your users’ needs and identify the specific pain points and challenges. Tailor your AI assistant’s functionalities to address those needs effectively.

It’s important not to try to do everything at once. Start with a focused set of tasks that the AI assistant can excel at and gradually expand its capabilities based on user feedback. The chances are that you’ve heard about Chris Bakke, who managed to buy a $76,825 2024 Chevy Tahoe for just $1 after a ChatGPT AI assistant agreed on the Chevrolet website. It’s more important that your chatbot works than it offers every tool and feature immediately.

It’s also worth ensuring that your AI assistant can understand natural language and respond clearly, concisely, and engagingly. How do your customers talk? Do you need to add multiple languages? Oh, and remember that user data is paramount. Implement robust security measures and be transparent about collecting and using user data. Finally, remember that AI assistants are not static entities. Gather user feedback and monitor performance metrics to improve the assistant’s accuracy and effectiveness continuously.

The world is moving towards a more conversational way of interacting with technology. AI assistants aren’t a fad but a revolution in user experience. Integrating a well-designed, user-centric, and continuously evolving AI assistant could allow you to future-proof your app or website, boost user engagement, and achieve success.

Contact the Zudu team today for a free consultation if you’re looking for support. 

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