Whether you’re aiming for a product purchase, lead generation, or social engagement, conversions are the endgame.

Average search advertising conversion rates are around 3.75% but can vary by industry. Indeed, dating ads have an average conversion rate of 9.64%, whilst real estate can be as low as 2.4%. Whatever your sector, increasing conversion rates can significantly impact your overall performance and boost revenues.

Below, we’re delving into five practical strategies to boost your website’s conversion rates.


Think about page speed

Website speed is not just a technical metric; it’s a critical factor influencing user experience and conversion rates. According to recent statistics, 82% of consumers say slow page speeds impact purchasing decisions. A high bounce rate, often resulting from slow load times, can also adversely affect search engine rankings and conversions.

A page load time increase from one to three seconds can increase the chance of a bounce by 32%, and 40% of consumers will abandon a site if it takes more than three seconds to load. The average time it takes to fully load a webpage is 10.3 seconds on desktop and 27.3 seconds on mobile. Given that mobile browsing now accounts for more than half of online time, optimising for mobile speed is not optional; it’s mandatory and should be a priority

Tools like GTmetrix, Pingdom, and Google’s PageSpeed Insights can provide valuable insights into your website’s performance, and reducing image sizes without compromising quality can significantly improve load times. Minifying your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can make your website more efficient. Tools like HTMLMinifier, CSSNano, and UglifyJS can help.


Provide easy-to-digest information

When creating landing pages, ensure they are rich in content but easy to navigate. Creating a landing page that offers easy-to-digest information is crucial for capturing your audience’s attention and guiding them towards a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter or purchasing. Your headline should immediately convey what you’re offering and why it’s valuable. Keep it short and to the point. For example, instead of “Get Access to Our Comprehensive Guide on Fishing,” you could say, “Boost Your Fishing Skills Today!”

Large blocks of text can be intimidating. Use short paragraphs, bullet points, or numbered lists to make the information more digestible. Subheadings break up the content and make it easier for the reader to skim through and find what they’re interested in. Make sure your subheadings are descriptive and relevant to the content that follows.

You should avoid jargon and complicated words. You want to communicate your message clearly, so use simple and straightforward language. Images, videos, and infographics can make your landing page more attractive and help break up text and convey information in an easily digestible format. Use bold or italic text, or even different colours, to highlight key points or essential information. This will draw the reader’s eye and make the content easier to scan.


Let users reach out how they prefer

Not all users are the same; they have different comfort zones and preferences when taking action. Some may prefer to call directly, while others might find filling out a form or using a chat feature more convenient. Offering multiple conversion options caters to this diversity.

By providing multiple avenues for users to convert, you’re also increasing the likelihood that they will take some action. A good user experience is about giving options. When users feel they have a choice in how they can proceed, their overall experience with your website will likely be more positive, encouraging return visits and long-term engagement.

You can gain a more nuanced understanding of user behaviour with multiple conversion paths. This can provide valuable insights into the most effective methods, allowing for more targeted optimisation efforts. What’s more, offering multiple ways to convert ensures that you’re catering to users who may have specific accessibility requirements, such as using screen readers or other assistive technologies.


Reduce form field sizes

Minimising required website fields, particularly forms, can enhance user experience and conversion rates. The fewer fields a user has to fill out, the easier and quicker the process becomes. This simplicity can distinguish between a completed action—a sign-up, a purchase, or a download—and an abandoned form. Every additional field adds a step a user must take to complete a form, reducing the likelihood of conversion. Reducing the number of form fields can lead to an increase in conversion rates.

Too many required fields can be overwhelming and may frustrate users. This can lead to form abandonment or discourage users from returning to your website. That’s without mentioning forms on mobiles, which can be cumbersome. Minimising required fields makes it easier for mobile users to complete forms.

When users are confronted with too many fields, they may rush through the form, providing accurate or complete information. Fewer fields can lead to more precise and thoughtful responses. Asking for too much personal information immediately can make users uncomfortable or suspicious. Limiting required fields to only the most essential information can help build trust between the user and your website.


Wrapping up

Improving conversion rates is not a one-size-fits-all endeavour. While some strategies may seem contradictory—such as providing ample information and ensuring quick page loads—each has its merits. The key is to test these strategies to see which resonates most with your audience. If you’re looking for support with conversion rate optimisation, contact the team at Zudu today for a free consultation.




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