The importance of a well-designed app mock-up cannot be overstated. 

75% of downloaded apps are used only once and never again.

And according to Adjust, it only takes an average of 5.8 days to uninstall an app.

A mock-up is a visual blueprint, allowing you to conceptualise and refine your app before diving into the development phase. In short, it helps you get your app right. However, the process is fraught with potential mistakes that can compromise the effectiveness of your app. 

Below, the Zudu team delves deeper into the common errors to avoid and provides additional insights to enhance your mock-up creation process.


Why are mock-ups important?

Before we explore the mistakes, let’s understand why mock-ups are critical:

  • Validation of concept: It helps validate the feasibility of your app idea.
  • User experience design: It lays the groundwork for a user-centric design.
  • Communication tool: Acts as a visual tool to communicate your ideas with developers, designers, and stakeholders.


Common mistakes you should avoid

Omitting screens 

Often, screens deemed less important, like loading screens, error messages, or tutorial pages, are overlooked. To avoid this, you should create a comprehensive list of all potential screens, including those that seem minor. Remember, every screen plays a role in the user experience.

Non-functional buttons

Including buttons or links that lead nowhere can confuse the purpose of the mock-up. Ensure every interactive element has a clear function. Use placeholders if necessary but clarify their intended future functionality.

Navigation issues

Failing to include logical pathways to access each screen can lead to a fragmented user experience. Map out the user journey to ensure seamless navigation. Utilise flowcharts to visualise how each screen connects.

Ignoring exit strategies 

Screens without exit options can trap users, leading to frustration. Incorporate clear exit points on every screen. Consider the use of universal icons like ‘back’ or ‘home’ buttons for consistency.

Disorganised screen numbering 

Random or non-intuitive screen numbering can lead to confusion during the design and development process. Number screens based on the user’s journey. Use a logical sequence that mirrors the actual app flow.

Overlooking responsive design

Not considering different device sizes can result in a poor user experience. Design mock-ups with responsiveness in mind. Consider how your app will look on various devices and adjust layouts accordingly.

Ignoring feedback 

Creating mock-ups in isolation can lead to missed opportunities for improvement. Engage with potential users, stakeholders, and team members for feedback. Iterate based on this input to refine your design.

Forgetting to test user interactions 

Assuming that users will interact with your app as expected can be a significant oversight. Conduct usability testing, even with basic mock-ups, to observe real user interactions. Adjust the design based on these insights.


Perfecting app mock-ups

Creating an effective app mock-up is both an art and a science. It requires attention to detail, an understanding of user behaviour, and the ability to foresee potential challenges. By avoiding the common mistakes we’ve outlined above, you can can craft a mock-up that represents your vision and lays a solid foundation for a successful, user-friendly app. 


If you’re looking for support, reach out to the app development team at Zudu today for a free consultation.


Zudu was recently named a Top Mobile App Development company by, coming in second in the UK-wide rankings for this year!

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