In case you haven’t noticed, we are using our phones more now than ever before. We manage our investment portfolios, book trips around the world, capture and edit high-quality videos, and so much more.

This is what has pushed so many businesses to begin developing a native app if they haven’t done so already. Today, the most common model for most businesses is to have a separate website and native that work independently. In an effort to gain a competitive edge and offer an even better user experience, companies are now considering the very latest in application technology; Progressive Web Apps.

What exactly are progressive web apps and are they the best thing for your business? Keep reading to find out.


What are Progressive Web Apps?

Sort of like Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus, progressive web apps aim to have the best of both worlds. They look to combine the ease of use and convenience of a native app with the API power of websites in one place to create a better user experience, boost engagement, and increase sales.

The goal is to make websites more like apps so that instead of accessing a business through two different channels, users can come to one place for the best possible experience. Furthermore, PWAs aim is to minimise the strains of development that occur when building an app for iOS and Android.

The key factors that make a web app progressive are whether it has encrypted HTTP protocols, service workers for maintenance, a fast loading time and a manifest file.


The Pros and Cons of Adopting a PWA

So if PWAs really are as good as they sound, why haven’t more businesses hit the ground running?


A step ahead for some businesses

All indicators point to PWAs being the way forward for businesses. The thing is that some businesses haven’t even caught up to the native app trend yet. If this is you, skipping a traditional app and going straight to a PWA may be the way forward. In fact, you could even adopt this technology before your competitors, giving you a welcome edge.

Enhanced Performance

PWAs offer the speed of a website which means a fast load speed and response when using various functions. This could mean a better user experience and improved retention rates which can help to build a loyal base of customers. Those in the retail and m-commerce space can greatly benefit from these apps.

No updates

Remember those annoying app updates that seem to be constantly happening on your phone? Well with PWAs, no updates are required! This means that users can access a PWA at any time without worrying about which version they are currently using.

Use offline

Many PWAs can be used offline in one way or another, which is a huge advantage over some native apps and traditional websites. Furthermore, you don’t need to load an entire app every time you use them which can save the data of your users.


Strong SEO is essential for the success of any business, which is why websites are so carefully put together The problem is that native apps don’t appear in search results. PWAs, however, are not only searchable but can boost your SEO performance too! This could mean more visitors, which will lead to more customers.


PWAs are often quicker to develop than native apps, making them cheaper. This is a huge plus for businesses working on a limited budget.


Devices haven’t caught up

Given how new PWAs are, not all devices are ready for them. For example, only iOS devices with versions 11.3 and up support them. Although people always try to have the latest tech, not everyone can. So for the meanwhile at least, PWA users will be limited.

Native apps are still ahead

Despite the great promise of PWAs, they are still an evolving technology. This means that in some cases, their performance still isn’t as strong as that of native apps. We believe the balance shift in the near future, but for now, native apps still do have some perks.

Final Thoughts & Free Whitepaper

Although not for everyone, progressive web apps offer a great number of benefits and should be considered. If you’re looking for help building your own, reach out to the team at Zudu to see how we could help you.

Download our free whitepaper to find out more.

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