Is your website struggling for traffic? If so, this can be a cause for concern, especially if this is the main source of sales for your business. Unfortunately, simply having a great website is not enough in this day and age.

This is also the case for those trying to increase their app downloads. Being present on an app store is the first crucial step, but you need to do more to drive up your traffic.

If you aren’t doing so already, why not try utilising the power of your social media followers?

It’s easier than it sounds and if you aren’t sure of the best way to get started, we are here to help. Here are our top tips to drive your social media followers to your website or app!


Be in the right place

There are so many social platforms at present, and you’d for forgiven for assuming that you need to have a presence on every single platform. However this is not only time consuming, but also very counterproductive.

The first step is to make sure you’re on the correct platforms. For almost any business, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, are a must. There are not only the most popular platforms, but these are likely where you’ll have the most followers and the highest engagement.

Engage with your audience

The next tip is to engage with the followers! One of the biggest mistakes that brands make is to simply ram their products into their follower’s feeds. Don’t overlook the ‘social aspect of social media. Make an effort to interact with your followers where ever possible.

For example, if someone were to comment on a post on your Instagram asking where your stores are, you could reply with a link to your locations page on your website. This will not only build rapport with your followers but will also direct traffic to your website.

In a similar fashion, someone may tweet your account asking about the best way to buy your products. If you have a shopping app, reply with a link to download your app from the app store. This tweet will stay on your page, where more of your followers will see the same thing.

It’s important to build this trust with your followers as it encourages their loyalty – a great way to drive website traffic and app downloads.


Clear bio information

This may seem incredibly obvious, but if you haven’t done so already, have a link to your website or app in the bio of all of your social media accounts. This way, anyone who visits your page knows exactly where to find your website.


Post consistently

Posting regularly on social media is crucial because it keeps your brand front of mind with your audience. It also means you can share your website or app on a regular basis. Try to incorporate links to either of these on a regular basis.

The content you share is up to! It could be promoting the various functions or features of your app, or what your audience can get from visiting your website. Make sure you use strong calls to action to encourage your followers to take the next step of visiting your site or downloading the app.

Some examples of strong CTA’s are:

  • Read more on this here.
  • Download here.
  • Shop our exclusive range here.
  • Download our free today!


Share Blog Content

Used in the right way, a blog can be a powerful piece of content marketing. Unlike social media posts, a blog allows you to go into more depth on a given topic. This is a great way to give more value to your followers!

Having a blog section on your website gives people more reasons to visit and spend time on your site.

A blog about your app will give potential new users all the information they need to encourage them to download your app.


Tease your audience

Use your social media pages to entice your audience into wanting more by teasing exclusive deals or content. Everyone wants to feel like a VIP, which is why exclusivity is such a powerful traffic driver.

An example of this could be content that’s on your website for a limited time – such as an interview with a high profile individual that’s of interest to your audience. Post online that the video is on your site for a limited time and the only way to watch it is on your site.

If you have an online store and a shopping app, you can post your social channel about exclusive discounts for those who shop on your app.


Use visual and viral content

Although written content is great, few things are effective than visual content This could be an image, gif, meme or video. These will not only catch the eyes of your followers as they browse their feeds, but they’re also sure to drive engagement!


Find out how the team at Zudu could help you with your digital marketing strategy. Get in touch today.

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