Nothing stands still in the world of app development trends.

Consumers spend more time on their devices than ever before, but creating content that appeals to them is challenging. The average person uses their device for 3 hours and 10 minutes a day, with 2 hours and 51 minutes spent on apps, which make up almost 90% of usage. The average person has over 80 apps installed, but only a handful are used daily. Indeed, the average person uses nine mobile apps per day and 30 apps per month.

Changing consumer behaviours and emerging business needs means your app must be updated regularly to stand out and compete. Below, the Zudu team has rounded up some app development trends influencing how developers create, market, and monetise their apps – with tips to help you ensure your app is as attractive as possible to new and existing users.

Artificial intelligence

Let’s start with the big one: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are at the forefront of transformative technology in app development, increasingly integrated into mobile apps to enhance user experience, personalise content, and improve operational efficiency. For example, chatbots and AI-powered virtual assistants are becoming more nuanced and capable, offering users a seamless experience that can mimic human-like interactions. We’ve just talked at length about why you should add an AI assistant to your app or website on the Zudu website – make sure you check it out if you’re still on the fence.

AI-driven analytics tools are also becoming more sophisticated, allowing developers and businesses to gain deeper insights into user behaviour and preferences. Predictive analytics can anticipate user actions and tailor app functionalities to individual needs.


AR and VR

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality have moved beyond gaming and are now widely used in various industries, including retail, real estate, and education. The truth is that the Apple Vision Pro hasn’t set the world on fire just yet, but we’re sure it’ll come in the next few years.

AR can enhance real-world environments with digital details that provide added value to the user, while VR creates completely immersive experiences that can transport users to different worlds. These technologies enhance user engagement and are becoming integral in training simulations, virtual tours, and interactive learning apps. With the release of more affordable AR and VR devices, such as the Meta Quest 3, their integration into everyday applications is expected to increase, making them more accessible to a broader audience.



Now more than ever, developers are focusing significantly on enhancing security protocols to protect sensitive user data and prevent breaches. This includes adopting more robust encryption methods, secure coding practices, and regular security audits. Developers are also implementing more sophisticated identity verification methods, such as biometrics and two-factor authentication, to ensure that user data remains secure. With regulations like GDPR in Europe and similar laws worldwide, compliance and security is critical.



The rollout of 5G technology has revolutionised app development by offering significantly faster data speeds and more reliable internet connections. This advancement allows developers to design enhanced connectivity apps to deliver interactive experiences without performance bottlenecks. Indeed, 5G enables smoother and more reliable real-time functionalities in apps, such as streaming high-definition video, supporting online gaming platforms, and facilitating large-scale IoT deployments. This technology also allows developers to innovate how content is delivered and consumed.

However, don’t lean on 5G too much. Research by Vodafone UK found that 91 per cent of Scotland’s rural areas are total 5G “not-spots”, compared to just 20 per cent of Scotland’s urban areas, suggesting we’re a while off full 5G coverage across the United Kingdom.


Sustainable development

Read also: Green app development: how to create an app more sustainably

Sustainability is becoming a priority in all sectors, including app development. There’s now a growing trend towards developing apps that promote environmental sustainability through functionality, resource efficiency, or supporting the digitalisation of traditional services that otherwise consume physical materials. Developers are increasingly aware of the carbon footprint associated with hosting and running apps and are adopting greener practices, such as optimising energy consumption and selecting eco-friendly hosting options. Do your bit!



The need to reach users on multiple platforms without duplicating development efforts has led to the rise of cross-platform development tools like Flutter and React Native. These tools allow developers to write code once and deploy it across various platforms, including iOS, Android, and web applications. It speeds up development and also reduces costs.



Blockchain technology is finding its way into mobile app development beyond just cryptocurrency applications to enhance transparency, security, and trust in apps, particularly those involving transactions or sensitive data. Applications include supply chain tracking, secure voting systems, and fraud-resistant payment apps. Blockchain’s decentralised nature makes it ideal for applications where security and data integrity are paramount.


Wrapping up

The app development industry is characterised by rapid technological advances and shifting user expectations. If you’re able to stay abreast of these trends and adapt your strategies accordingly, you’ll be well-positioned to succeed in an increasingly competitive market. Reach out to the Zudu team if you’ve got any questions.

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