User stories are a tool that helps shift the focus from writing about product requirements to talking about them. They describe each software feature from the perspective of the end-user, putting people at the forefront of every development project.
Read on for our guide to user stories, what makes a good user story and how you can use them to incite creativity and collaboration.
What is a user story?
Traditionally when developing a software product, project managers write a list of features to be developed and check it off as they go. In Agile, actions and tasks are outlined using a collection of descriptors; these are called user stories.
User stories are written throughout the project, with a story-writing workshop usually held near the start. At the beginning of each sprint, the team decides what stories they’ll tackle in a sprint planning session. Agile is all about collaboration and everyone on the team participates in creating the product backlog which outlines the features to be built in each sprint.
Each user story includes a written sentence or two to describe a product backlog item from a user perspective.
What makes a good user story?
A good user story is short, simple and concise. It should always be written from the perspective of the user, describing their problem or need. They often take on the structure:
As a [persona], I [want to], [so that].
This format allows us to think like the user of the software product. It helps to answer questions like, what does the user want from this app? Why are they using it? Does it fulfil its desired purpose?
Good user stories are inherently dependent on one another, creating a full picture of the features required to create the full end product.
Why create user stories?
Putting people first
User stories avoid technical jargon and are written using language that reflects the user’s perspective. A good user story makes clear who the feature is intended for and what problem it solves, putting people at the heart of the development process. At Zudu, our clients’ success is our number one priority – user stories help us facilitate your success at every stage in the journey.
Flexibility and collaboration are key in Agile development, and user stories allow for more than simply listing features to be built. Getting the whole team together for a story writing session at the very start of the process means everyone is on the same page from the get-go and understands the outcomes of the project.
Looking at the bigger picture
One of the key components of user stories is that they are solution driven. Stories allow us to understand the reason for a desired outcome, as opposed to a “function” with no context. This opens the conversation and allows the team to work together to find the best solution. Fostering a non-linear way of thinking, they allow us to look at the bigger picture – the outcome for the end-user.
How to write a user story
Define the user
Understanding your user is the first step in creating a successful user story. It’s important to understand who will use your app or website, what they will use it for and the need it fulfills. User personas are a useful technique in defining your audience’s attitudes, behaviours and characteristics by creating fictional characters based on the target audience of your platform. If there are multiple end users, you may consider creating multiple user stories.
Outline tasks and set a structure
Although there may not be a set list of features to be built when using user stories, a structured approach to prioritisation is still key. Decide which specific steps need to be completed, an order of activities for each sprint and who is responsible for completing each step. Communication is everything in Agile development.
Examples of user stories
Ecommerce app
- As a new user, I want to be able to create an account easily so that I can start using the app.
- As a registered user, I want to be able to easily filter products to find what I need.
- As a shopper, I want to add items to my basket and view a summary before checkout.
Social media app
- As a user, I want to create a profile with a picture and bio so that others can learn more about me.
- As a user, I want to like, comment, and share posts so that I can interact with content I enjoy.
- As a user, I want to follow other users so that I can see their updates in my feed.
Fitness app
- As a user, I want to access workout tutorials so that I can learn new exercises.
- As a user, I want to track my daily steps so that I can monitor my physical activity.
- As a user, I want to set specific fitness goals so that I can track my progress.
Banking app
- As a customer, I want to check my account balance so that I know how much money I have available.
- As a user, I want to transfer money between accounts so that I can manage my funds efficiently.
- As a user, I want to schedule payments so that I can avoid missing deadlines.
Building Success with User Stories
User stories put people at the center of the development process, inciting collaboration, creativity and communication. Speak to the team to start your development project with Zudu.