Zudu worked with Pongo Payments Ltd. to create a unique new app for the construction industry that uses an escrow wallet to facilitate safer and more efficient payments. When a new job begins, the client will be charged an agreed amount and the funds will be held in a digital safe deposit box until the job is completed, at which point the money will be released to the contractors. The app additionally offers a free mediation and dispute resolution service.
Processes: UX, Design, Development, Launch, Managed Resource
An MVP of the PongoPay system was made available to an internal testing group (including “real life” users) within 14 months. Following this stage, we embarked on a managed resource project to collate feedback from testers and work on enhancing the app’s existing offering with new features, as well as refining the payment process for faster payouts upon job completion.
The initial MVP stages of an app are critical to its market adoption (learn more about creating an MVP in our guide), which is why we encourage our clients to bring in a range of testers who can provide different perspectives, e.g. testers from different companies or cities.
After the app’s initial release, our client, Jonathan – CEO of Pongo Payments, took part in an online interview with Clutch to talk about his experience of working with us on this project. See the interview highlights below:
A: This company was recommended by a partnership company (payment service provider).
A: Communication was good, with fortnightly face-to-face meetings and ongoing communication via Slack and phone call. Basecamp was also used to share files.
A: Zudu makes the build process accessible and easy to understand as somebody without a developer background. They produced a solid foundation on which to build.
Rated on app stores
App store impressions
App sessions since launch
Zudu built a total of 3 platforms for the PongoPay project: an Android mobile app, an iOS mobile app, and a desktop admin panel accessible through a browser.
The mobile apps allow both builder and client user types to log in, removing the need for multiple apps and reducing any potential delays caused by switching devices. As a client, users can view their ongoing jobs, request status updates, chat with their builder, request amendments, and more. Builders can additionally raise new jobs for new and existing clients, add new project milestones, and see an overview of their ongoing and completed projects.
The desktop admin panel is also available for project managers or business owners / sole traders, and is specially designed for large-scale projects. It provides an overview of all jobs for each company, as well as all contractors within a team and allows users to create new projects, raise jobs as part of new or existing projects, assign contractors jobs, as well as track revenue, clients, and more.